Thursday 1 September 2016

But do not become a victim of beauty industry, it is necessary as a sign of the aging process and can be more than aware that lead to their occurrence. Then it will be much easier to understand what processes may prevent, slow or at least   LuxDerma    flatten their symptoms. And in any case it is impossible and not worth spending on anti-aging treatments time and money. In general, scientists - light, ignorance - darkness. photoageing First of all it must be said that today, scientists distinguish two types of aging - photoaging and hronostrenie. Photoaging - is ultraviolet radiation damage to the skin, which leads to premature skin aging. The main signs of photoaging include: Hyperkeratosis - a thickening of the horny layer of the skin. The appearance of age spots. Dryness and skin laxity. The appearance of spider veins and some other features. With the signs of photoaging may face even very young people..